To that client
in just 2 steps
- Instantly when you want
- One click to set up and cancel!
Client Favorite Settings:
Streamline Your Workflow with TELEONEPLUS!
Streamline Your Workflow with TELEONEPLUS!
Client Favorite Settings:
Streamline Your Workflow with TELEONEPLUS!
Streamline Your Workflow with TELEONEPLUS!
Instantly when you want
You can bookmark a client.
Just click on the client symbol in the header, then click on the name of the client you wish to view.This collaboration system supports smooth collaboration with clients.
One click to set up and cancel!
You can set or remove bookmarks with just a click on the star next to the client’s name on the client detail page. And of course, you can bookmark multiple clients.
This collaboration system makes it easy to manage client company information and clients with ongoing transactions.