• 業務一本化ツールならアカウント数無制限のテレワンプラス。

YUSUKE KAMIOKE Architecture & Design Office Co., Ltd.

YUSUKE KAMIOKE Architecture & Design Office Co., Ltd. 1920 1920 Collaboration System TELEONEPLUS

TELEONEPLUS doesn’t need a manual.
It’s like a Mac system.

Architectural Design

YUSUKE KAMIOKA Architecture & Design Office Co., Ltd.

CEO Yusuke Kamioka

TELEONEPLUS doesn’t need a manual.
It’s like a Mac system.

Architectural Design

YUSUKE KAMIOKA Architecture & Design Office Co., Ltd.

CEO Yusuke Kamioka

The challenge is the variety of tools used.

- Before using TELEONEPLUS, were there any challenges or things you wanted to change in terms of tools or communication?

We used Excel for project and client management, and tools like Jooto and Trello for project management. Different departments used different tools, and we lacked centralized management. We also felt limited by Excel for handling our tasks.

With a significant number of clients and projects, Excel became sluggish and even froze at times, which was quite challenging. Updating the system was also inefficient since it required individual updates on the server, causing a lack of efficiency.

Also, the abundance of project information combined with the variety of tools made it really challenging to keep track of property progress.

- What were your initial thoughts when you first saw TELEONEPLUS?

Wow, impressive! But honestly, I did wonder if I could master it, haha. Still, with all these features, I had high hopes that it could pretty much handle everything I wanted to do all in one place.

Just from looking at the TELEONEPLUS website, I could tell that the UI of TELEONEPLUS is great! The overall design is impressive too, I must say.

When I saw the configuration screen that is designed to accommodate the various ways different companies have their internal departments, teams, and roles with different permissions for each position, I thought, “Ah, I see.”

It’s really impressive how you don’t have to customize things from scratch; the fact that it’s already set up to cater to various companies within the range of pre-existing features is fantastic.

- Did you also try out the 30-day free trial? How was your experience with it?

The staff was tinkering with it all the time. It’s user-friendly and has a great design, so it’s easy to envision customizing it for an architectural firm’s needs.
The staff managing projects were playing around with it, having conversations like, “Wouldn’t it be cool if we customized it like this for our architectural firm?”

I could quickly understand the property situation and staff status using the 30-day free trial version.

When I opened TELEONEPLUS, I realized how amazing it is that I can check property information, communicate with clients (via chat), and even create estimates all in one place. It’s like everything I need is right there when I open it!

- What made you decide to purchase it?

It had the best usability and a great design compared to any other tools out there!

The colors, layout, fonts – everything is so easy on the eyes and has a design that’s really appealing. If we compare it to PCs, TELEONEPLUS is like the Mac – intuitive, no need for a manual, you just get it once you use it. It’s all of these factors combined that convinced me to make the purchase.

- As mentioned in the comments, we also had it customized for our architectural design firm. How was that experience for you?

They were really helpful and understanding, especially for someone like me who isn’t very familiar with systems. They guided me through the process and whenever I had questions or didn’t understand something, they sent videos to explain. I really appreciate how attentive and supportive they were.

They were able to fulfill all sorts of requests that kept popping up like “I want this” or “I want that,” and I really appreciated that.

We narrowed down the features, but what I realized is that later on, there might be moments when we think, “It would have been better to have that feature after all.”

It’s true that there are things you won’t fully grasp until you try them out. Currently, it’s the administrators who are using it, but once the actual field workers start using it, I expect there will be various feedback. So, I think we’ll continue to customize it based on that.

The responsiveness and work speed are incredibly fast.  
I can’t help but feel grateful.

Management has become significantly easier.

- Can you share your thoughts after actually using it?

Currently, I’m not facing any issues, but I’m thinking about the future where I might want to manage various tasks like sales, project management, client relations, etc. Also, having a wide range of features for enhancing work efficiency, like Kanban and Gantt charts, is really convenient and something I appreciate.

What I really feel is different about TELEONEPLUS is that it allows us to freely use specialized features from various companies’ work efficiency tools, all within one system. Other companies often offer standalone tools focused on a single function, but here, we have the flexibility to utilize them all in a single platform.

I often check the project list. It’s easy to understand, and I can see everything about finances and progress.

We also have a company in Vietnam where we do design work, and TELEONEPLUS is really handy for evaluating talent and conducting performance reviews in the HR assessment process.

You can also manage the time each person spends on each property, so you can track how much time is being dedicated to each project. This helps you understand that for projects like these, with these staff members involved, it can be completed in a total of this amount of time. It’s really helpful for future estimates and determining costs.

As you use it more, you might discover ways to utilize various features for purposes you hadn’t initially thought of. For instance, the timecard function could be used not only for labor management but also for personnel evaluations, for example…

TELEONEPLUS does it all, that’s everything. When you open it up, you can see everything about projects, progress, schedules, client management, and even manage work hours. For projects like these, you can track how much time is spent and analyze data since all the information is gathered in one place – that’s amazing! It’s an all-in-one solution.

Recommended for any type of company.

- Who would you recommend this to, in terms of companies or businesses?

I think TELEONEPLUS is suitable for all types of companies. It doesn’t matter what kind of business or industry you’re in, or how many staff members you have.

In our case, we handle both design work and energy efficiency calculations, and we have a significant number of clients and projects. With the customization we’ve done, I’m looking to pitch this to other design firms.

The default features cover everything from individual scheduling to team and department-level task and progress management, as well as centralized handling of estimates and more. This setup is ideal for telecommuting tasks and seems like a really helpful tool for companies struggling with schedule management or seeking to enhance task visibility.

Estimates are integrated with accounting, and we need to use the accounting software we use for our tax accountant. But honestly, I wish we could have a company where everything could be done within TELEONEPLUS. Because it’s all possible with TELEONEPLUS.

Our outsourcing partners and collaborating companies are actually considering adopting TELEONEPLUS. It’s because if they also use TELEONEPLUS, they can see all the project information in one place, and I think that would be really beneficial.

The amazing thing is that all communication with clients and the history of files are preserved, and they are stored separately for each project. We use Gmail, so if there’s something we need to find, we have to enter the project name and search to locate the history of communication. With the number of emails and such, things can get buried, so searching for them later can be quite challenging.

With TELEONEPLUS, you have client information specific to each project, and you can communicate and handle everything in one place. It’s like having a dedicated space for each project where you can find all the relevant details and discussions. That’s why I really recommend it.

After the interview is over

In retrospect, the conversation made it clear that TELEONEPLUS is a necessary system for administrators.

“Mr. Takada mentioned that the approach to creating TELEONEPLUS is similar to how you create your own website, where everything that people are looking for is understood and anticipated, ensuring that users find what they need. That’s why users realize its value as they use it. It’s a reflection of the developer’s personality that is embedded in system development.”

Seeing how YUSUKE KAMIOKA Architecture & Design Office Co., Ltd. is making full use of TELEONEPLUS and planning to keep up with its evolving features, I felt inspired to do the same.

After the interview is over

In retrospect, the conversation made it clear that TELEONEPLUS is a necessary system for administrators.

“Mr. Takada mentioned that the approach to creating TELEONEPLUS is similar to how you create your own website, where everything that people are looking for is understood and anticipated, ensuring that users find what they need. That’s why users realize its value as they use it. It’s a reflection of the developer’s personality that is embedded in system development.”

Seeing how YUSUKE KAMIOKA Architecture & Design Office Co., Ltd. is making full use of TELEONEPLUS and planning to keep up with its evolving features, I felt inspired to do the same.

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