• 業務一本化ツールならアカウント数無制限のテレワンプラス。

On-Premises Version
Collaboration System’s Business Efficiency Tool

On-Premises Version
Collaboration System’s Business Efficiency Tool

Users of this service, upon applying for the use of this service and receiving the notification of service commencement, are deemed to have agreed to the contents of this Terms of Use and to have entered into a contract based on this Terms of Use (referred to as “Service Provision Agreement”).

Article 1 (Applicability)
  1. This User Agreement aims to define the rights and obligations between the users of the collaboration system “TELEONEPLUS,” provided and operated by Guts Soul Company (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”). Regardless of the reason, if the name or content of the service is changed, it shall include the service after such changes. This User Agreement applies to all matters related to the use of TELEONEPLUS, including the terms of service and the relationship between users of the service and the Company.
  2. Users and others who utilize this service are deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use when using this service.
  3. In the event of any discrepancy between the content of these Terms of Use and explanations or descriptions of this service outside these terms, the provisions of these Terms of Use shall take precedence and apply.
Article 2 (Nature of the Service)

The Service referred to in these terms is an on-premises version targeted at specific devices and operating environments designated by our company.

Article 3 (Definitions)

In this Terms of Use, the meanings of the terms listed in the following items shall be as defined in each respective item.

  1. The term “Service Usage Agreement” refers to the agreement for the use of the Service between the Company and the individual seeking to use the Service, which is concluded based on this Terms of Use.
  2. The term ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ refers to copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights (including the right to obtain or apply for registration for such rights).
  3. The term ‘Input Data’ refers to the content (including but not limited to text, images, videos, and other data) that users input or transmit through the use of the Service.
  4. The term ‘Our Company Website’ refers to our website<https://teleoneplus.com/>where the Service is provided by us. Regardless of the reasons, if the domain or content of our website is changed, the revised website will also be covered by this term.
  5. The term ‘Applicant’ refers to individuals who wish to use the Service and have applied for such usage to our company based on the following article. ‘User’ refers to individuals or legal entities who have registered as users of the Service based on the following article.
  6. The term ‘User’ refers to individuals who, according to Article 8, Paragraph 2, have been granted the authorization to use the Service by the user.
  7. The term ‘Users and Others’ refers to the collective group of both users and individuals.
  8. The term ‘Usage Fees and Others’ refers to the total amount of fees that the user is required to pay to our company based on the contract between the user and us, including system fees, initial setup fees, support fees, and other applicable charges.
Article 4 (Application for Use, etc.)
  1. We grant the Applicant the permission to use the Service on the condition that the User pays the initial fee specified in Article 5, Paragraph 1.
  2. Individuals who wish to use the Service shall agree to abide by these terms of use and, by providing specific information (referred to as ‘Registered Information’) as defined by our company through the methods specified by our company (including cases involving sales agents), may apply to use the Service with our company.
  3. Based on our criteria, we will assess the acceptance of the usage application mentioned in the previous clause and, if approved, notify the Applicant accordingly. The Applicant will then be registered as a User. The usage agreement will be deemed established upon our notification in this clause. However, the User may use the Service in accordance with these terms until the Service becomes unavailable according to the following clause and other reasons specified in these terms after the delivery of the Service as outlined in Article 6.
  4. We reserve the right to reject or retroactively revoke usage applications from Applicants if any of the following conditions apply. We are not obligated to disclose the reasons for such decisions.
    1. In the event that false information is found in any part or all of the provided Registered Information.
    2. If our company determines that the applicant has any form of involvement or association with anti-social forces, including but not limited to organized crime groups, their members, right-wing organizations, anti-social forces, or similar entities, whether through direct membership or indirect support, contribution of funds, or any other means.
    3. If our company determines that the applicant or their affiliates have previously violated contracts with our company.
    4. If the applicant falls under any of the prohibited acts mentioned in Article 11.
    5. If our company determines that the applicant is engaged in the same or similar business as our company, or is associated in a legal or factual manner with such businesses, or intends to use the Service for purposes other than its intended use as specified in these terms.
    6. Any other situation where our company deems the application to be inappropriate.
  5. Our company shall not be held liable for any damages arising from the measures taken by our company based on the preceding clause.
  6. The user shall promptly notify our company of any changes to the Registered Information through the methods specified by our company.
  7. Our company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by users or others due to the failure to provide timely and accurate notification of changes to the registered information.
Article 5 (System Implementation and Support Agreement)
  1. The applicant shall pay a system implementation fee (hereinafter referred to as the ‘System Fee’) and a configuration assistance fee (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Configuration Fee’) for the use of the Service. The combined sum of the System Fee and Configuration Fee shall be referred to as the ‘Initial Fee’. The Initial Fee shall be as specified in the application form.
  2. Our company will provide system version upgrades and support to users during their use of the Service for a fee (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Support Agreement’). The framework for providing the Support Agreement will be stipulated in a separate document.
  3. If a user wishes to subscribe to the Support Agreement, they must apply through the method specified by our company. Please note that if the Service Usage Agreement is not established, any application for the Support Agreement will naturally become void. The fees for the Support Agreement shall be as specified in the application form.
  4. The Support Agreement is an annual contract, and if no written or email notification is provided to our company one month prior to the expiration of the term, it will automatically renew for an additional year.
  5. Users are not allowed to terminate the Support Agreement prematurely during the contract period, and our company shall not be obligated to refund the support fees already paid, regardless of the reasons, as stipulated in these terms.
  6. Our company reserves the right to change the fees as specified in paragraph 1 and paragraph 3 of this article at any time. However, any revisions to the fees for the Support Agreement will be applicable from the subsequent annual contract.
  7. The costs associated with communication fees, data usage charges, and other communication-related expenses incurred by the telecommunication service provider in the use of the Service shall be borne by the user.
  8. Users shall make payments for fees and other charges by the specified payment deadline to the designated bank account via bank transfer method as determined by our company or sales agents. The costs associated with the payment process shall be borne by the user.
  9. If a user delays payment of fees or other charges, they shall pay our company a late payment fee at an annual rate of 14.6%.
  10. Our company does not issue receipts or similar documents for payment settlements.
Article 6 (Delivery and Acceptance)
  1. The installation of applications onto the server for the use of the Service (hereinafter referred to as ‘Delivery’) will be conducted by our company directly or through sales agents. After Delivery, users will be notified of this.
  2. Upon receiving the notification from the preceding clause, the user shall conduct an inspection within 7 business days (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Inspection Period’) and upon successful inspection, the Delivery shall be considered complete. The user shall promptly notify our company or the designated method by email or as specified by our company of the inspection results.
  3. If the user does not provide notification of the inspection results to our company or the sales agent within the inspection period specified in the preceding clause, the inspection results determined by the user at the end of that inspection period will be deemed as a successful assessment.
  4. If the results of the inspection as specified in paragraph 2 are determined to be unsuccessful due to our own fault, our company shall be responsible for rectification or repairs, and the Delivery shall be conducted again, followed by the inspection as specified in paragraph 2, and this process shall continue thereafter.
Article 7 (Service Usage Environment)
  1. When using the server management software, the recommended browser environment is as follows: For PC, Google Chrome and Edge; for smartphones, Safari and Google Chrome.
  2. The server equipment environment necessary for using the Service shall be provided at the expense and responsibility of the user.
  3. Even when our company verbally, in writing, or on the website describes or displays the available range of the Service corresponding to server capacity, these are only illustrative guidelines. The actual available range may vary based on the real usage situation of users and others.
Article 8 (Account Management and Others)
  1. After the establishment of the Service Usage Agreement, our company will issue temporary User IDs and passwords for logging into the Service.
  2. Users may voluntarily create User IDs and passwords (hereinafter referred to as ‘User Accounts’) for use when accessing the Service and may assign them for the use of the designated users.
  3. The number of User Accounts is subject to limitations based on server capacity.
  4. Users are required to ensure strict management of User Accounts by the designated users.
  5. The user shall bear responsibility for any damages resulting from inadequate management of User Accounts, usage errors, third-party usage, and similar situations. Our company shall not be held liable for any such damages.
Article 9 (Backup)
  1. Users and other parties are responsible for recording, storing, and managing all information provided by the Company through the Service or obtained by users via the Service at their own responsibility.
  2. The Company shall not be held liable for any damages or disadvantages incurred by users due to the absence of backup data or the failure of users to perform backup operations properly.
Article 10 (Usage Restrictions)
  1. The use of all or part of the Service by users may be restricted in the following cases:
    1. If the verification of user qualifications or eligibility cannot be confirmed through the authentication function of user accounts or similar mechanisms:
    2. When using the service in a location where internet connection is not available.
    3. When using the service in communication conditions where real-time communication is not possible.
  2. We are not obligated to provide maintenance, modifications, or updates (including updates) for the service. Additionally, we may modify, change, update, or discontinue the service without prior notice. However, in the case of significant changes to how the service is used, such as a major version update, we will notify users via email or the in-app notification board at least one week in advance.
  1. 次の各号に定める場合、利用者等による本サービスの利用の一部または全部が制限されることがあります。
    1. ユーザーアカウント等の認証機能において、利用資格等の確認ができない場合
    2. インターネット接続ができない場所において本サービスを利用する場合
    3. リアルタイム通信ができない通信状況において本サービスを利用する場合
  2. 当社は、本サービスに関するメンテナンス、修正版(アップデート版を含みます。)の提供を行う義務を負いません。また、あらかじめ利用者等へ通知を行うことなく、本サービスの修正、変更、アップデート、または提供の終了を行う場合があります。ただし、利用者等の利用方法が著しく変更されるバージョンアップの場合には1週間前までに電子メールまたはアプリ内のお知らせ欄にてご案内いたします。
Article 11 (Prohibited Actions)
  1. Users and other parties must not engage in or be judged by us to be engaged in any of the following actions while using the Service:
    1. Users and other parties must not engage in actions that violate laws, regulations, guidelines, or involve criminal activities while using the Service.
    2. Users must not engage in fraudulent or threatening activities towards our company, other users, or any third parties in connection with the Service.
    3. Actions that violate public order and morals are prohibited.
    4. Users must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights, image rights, privacy rights, reputation, or any other rights or interests of our company, other users, or any third parties in connection with the Service.
    5. Users must not use, transmit, or engage in any action that involves the use or transmission of computer viruses or any other harmful computer programs, or engage in any behavior that might pose a risk of such activities.
    6. Users must not engage in activities such as selling, renting for a fee, or providing similar services to third parties involving the service or similar services.
    7. Actions that may disrupt the operation of the service are prohibited.
    8. Unauthorized access to or attempted unauthorized access to our network or systems is prohibited.
    9. Impersonation of third parties is prohibited.
    10. Using the service in violation of the export laws and regulations of Japan or other countries is prohibited.
    11. Collecting information of other users or individuals through the service is prohibited.
    12. Engaging in actions that cause harm, damage, or discomfort to other users, individuals, or third parties related to our company or the service is not allowed.
    13. Engaging in actions that cause harm, damage, or discomfort to other users, individuals, or third parties related to our company or the service is not allowed.
    14. Altering or removing notices or indications related to intellectual property rights within the service is prohibited.
    15. Engaging in actions that violate any provision of this Terms of Use is prohibited.
    16. Engaging in any other actions deemed inappropriate by the company is prohibited.
  2. If it is suspected by us that a user or any party involved has violated the aforementioned provisions, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend the user’s access to the service. Upon investigation or verification that a violation has indeed occurred, we retain the authority to demand the cessation of service use and request the removal of the user’s data from our servers. Subsequently, the user will be prohibited from using the service.
  3. Users and related parties must compensate us for any and all damages, including legal fees, incurred by us due to their violation of the provisions in the first paragraph.
Article 12 (Changes to the Service Content)
  1. The content of this service may be changed without prior notice. We shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by customers (including users) due to changes in the service content.
  2. Unless otherwise specified, this User Agreement shall apply even in the event of changes to the service content of this service.
Article 13 (Ownership of Rights)
  1. All intellectual property rights related to our website and this service are owned by us or licensed to us by third parties. The permission granted for using this service under this User Agreement does not imply a license to use the intellectual property rights pertaining to our website or this service held by us or licensed to us by third parties.
  2. Users and other parties involved must declare and warrant to us that they have lawful rights to input data, whether through entry or transmission, and that the input data does not infringe upon the rights of third parties.
  3. Our website may display trademarks, logos, service marks, and the like (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Trademarks”). However, through these terms of use, we do not transfer or grant any Trademarks to users or other third parties. Users are prohibited from applying for trademark registration for unregistered trademarks displayed on our website. Additionally, users are not allowed to apply for patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, or trademark rights, or register copyrights related to inventions or other intellectual property associated with our service.
  4. Users who utilize information provided through this service beyond the conditions stipulated in this terms of use and thereby infringe upon the copyrights or other rights of our company or third parties will be solely responsible for such actions and will not impose any burden on our company.
Article 14 (Termination of Agreement)
  1. If a user falls under any of the following clauses, the Company may terminate the Service Agreement or Support Agreement without prior notice or warning:
    1. In the event of a violation of any provision of these Terms of Use.
    2. In the event that false information is found in the registered details.
    3. In case the usage fees or other charges are not paid by the specified due date.
    4. If the user becomes unable to make payments or is insolvent, or if bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, special liquidation proceedings, or similar procedures are initiated, the Company may terminate the Service Agreement or Support Agreement without prior notice.
    5. In the event of falling under the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 4, Item 2.
    6. In addition, if the Company determines that the use of the Service, user registration, or continuation of the Service Agreement is deemed inappropriate, the Company may terminate the Service Agreement or Support Agreement without prior notice.
  2. If a user falls under any of the reasons specified in the preceding clause and the Company terminates the Service Agreement, the user shall promptly pay the Company the equivalent amount of the initial fee as a penalty. Similarly, if the Company terminates the Support Agreement, the user shall promptly pay the Company the equivalent amount of the annual support fee as a penalty.
  3. The Company shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by the user as a result of actions taken by the Company based on this clause.
Article 15 (Changes and Termination of the Service Content)
  1. The Company may, at its discretion, change the content or terminate the provision of the Service. In the event that the Company decides to terminate the provision of the Service, the Company will generally provide prior notice to the users. However, if the changes, suspension, or termination are not of significant nature, the Company may not provide prior notice.
  2. The Company may terminate the provision of the support contract by notifying the user up to one year in advance. If, at the time of termination, the user has remaining valid duration for the support fee already paid, the Company will refund the proportional amount for the remaining duration using a prorated calculation method based on a 30-day month, within one month.
  3. Except for the preceding clause, the Company shall not be held liable for the termination of the provision of the Service and the support contract.
Article 16 (Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability)
  1. We do not provide any explicit or implied warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, currency, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose of this service (including the information users obtain through this service). In regards to the above, users assume the responsibility and judgment to use this service at their own discretion.
  2. Except in cases where there is malicious intent on our part, we shall not be held responsible for compensating any damages incurred by users or others, including but not limited to the deletion or loss of information input into this service, the disappearance of registration data due to the use of this service, equipment malfunction or damage, or any other damages related to the use of this service.
  3. We are not obligated to continue providing this service and reserve the right to interrupt, suspend, or terminate the provision of this service.
  4. Even if we are liable for damages due to any reason, the extent of our liability is limited to direct and foreseeable damages actually incurred as a result of our attributable actions, up to the amount of fees paid by the user to us within the past 12 months from the point at which the damage occurred. We shall not be liable for consequential damages, indirect damages, special damages, future damages, or loss of profits.
  5. Regarding transactions, communications, disputes, or any matters arising between users or between users and third parties in connection with this service or our website, users are responsible for resolving them at their own risk and expense. In the event that such matters cause damage to us, the respective users are obligated to compensate us for the incurred damages, including legal expenses.
  6. If users or others distribute data (including images and information but not limited to them) that is illegal, unjust, or against public morals through the platform of this service, we shall not bear any responsibility.
Article 17 (Confidentiality)
  1. We will not disclose or leak information provided by users or others to us through the provision of this service to third parties. However, this does not apply if users or others have given prior consent.
  2. Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, in the following cases, we may disclose the necessary and minimum amount of information without obtaining prior consent from users or others, by promptly notifying the users or others:
    1. In the event that we receive a request from a legal authority or a public institution and deem it necessary to comply with the request, we may disclose the information without obtaining prior consent.
    2. If we determine that it is necessary to investigate the violation of these terms or to prevent the actions of a user that violate these terms, we may disclose the information without obtaining prior consent, to the extent necessary and minimal.
    3. When deemed necessary by the system administrators designated by our company for the operation and maintenance of the system of this service as determined by us.
    4. Additionally, if our company determines that it is necessary for the operation of this service.
  3. Users and other parties shall not disclose or leak any confidential information of our company obtained during the use of this service (including system log data of this service, but not limited to) to third parties.
  4. Our company will handle the personal information of users and other parties appropriately in accordance with our “Privacy Policy,” as outlined in the following.
    (URL) https://teleoneplus.com/privacy-policy/
Article 18 (Outsourcing)

We reserve the right to entrust all or part of the operations related to this service to third parties.

Article 19 (Amendment of These Terms and Conditions)

We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time by posting the revised terms on our website, <https://teleoneplus.com/>which provides this service. The updated content will generally apply one month after the date when we begin displaying the revised content within the app. Except for cases where an agreement is reached in writing, these terms and conditions will not be subject to changes through methods other than those mentioned above.

Article 20 (Communication and Notifications)
  1. Any inquiries or other communications from users regarding this service, as well as notifications or communications related to changes in these terms of use, or any other communications from us to users, shall be conducted through the methods specified by us.
  2. Notifications from us to users shall be deemed effective when posted on our website if done so through that method, or when we have sent the email if done through email communication. In each case, the notice shall take effect at the time of posting on the website or sending the email.
Article 21 (Assignment of Contractual Position)
  1. If a user intends to assign or transfer their position under the Service Usage Agreement or the rights and obligations based on this Terms of Use to a third party, they shall obtain the prior written consent of our company.
  2. In the event that our company transfers its business related to the Service to another company, the transferee of such business transfer may assume the Service Usage Agreement position, rights and obligations based on this Terms of Use, and user registration information and other customer information related to the Service Transfer. Users hereby consent in advance to such transfer as stipulated in this clause. Additionally, the business transfer mentioned in this clause encompasses not only regular business transfers but also any cases involving company splits or other forms of business transfer.
Article 22 (Severability)

If any provision or part of any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed invalid or unenforceable under applicable laws or regulations, the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use and the remaining parts of such invalid or unenforceable provision shall continue to be fully effective.

Article 23 (Entire Agreement)

This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between our company and users at the time of contracting for this service, encompassing all agreements. Any prior express or implied agreements, discussions, proposals, and materials exchanged between our company and users prior to entering this agreement shall be deemed ineffective if they conflict with the contents of this agreement.

Article 24 (Survival Clause)

Even after the termination of this agreement, the provisions of Article 1, Article 4 Clause 5, Article 8 Clause 5, Article 9 Clause 2, Article 11 Clause 3, Article 12, Article 13, Article 15 Clause 3, Article 16, Article 19, and Articles 21 through 25 shall remain in effect.

Article 25 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
  1. The governing law of these terms and conditions shall be Japanese law.
  2. Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or this service shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court (Main Court) as the agreed court of first instance.

The details and conditions of the support contract provided by our company are as follows:

  1. The scope of support includes the following:
    1. Responding to inquiries and providing assistance on “TELEONEPLUS Inquiry Management” related to the service.Online support through the Support Center for various inquiries.
    2. Addressing issues arising from bugs, including providing patches or necessary fixes.
    3. Providing updates for TELEONEPLUS as they become available.
  2. Service Hours and Exclusions
    1. The service hours for inquiries as mentioned in the preceding section (1) are from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM every Monday to Friday (excluding holidays such as public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays designated by the company, and summer holidays).
      However, the following exceptions apply:
      ①In cases where the service cannot be provided or becomes significantly difficult due to force majeure events such as natural disasters, changes in laws and regulations, administrative orders, emergency declarations, or requests from authorities that are beyond the company’s control.
      ②When maintenance, repair, or construction work is necessary for the service provision equipment.
      ③When the use of telecommunication network equipment provided by telecommunication carriers becomes unavailable due to the carrier’s circumstances.
      ④In other situations where operational or technical considerations deem it necessary to suspend or interrupt the service, or when unforeseen circumstances make it difficult for the company to provide the service.
    2. Even in the cases mentioned in the preceding paragraph’s exceptions, the company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by users or third parties.
  3. Please note that questions regarding server hardware, operating systems, and tablet devices, among others not directly related to this service, are not within the scope of support.

the end

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