Get closer to your clients
in just 3 steps
- New registration is easy with 3 simple steps!
- All client information is available!
- Unlimited client account registrations

Client Information Management:
Streamline Your Workflow with TELEONEPLUS!
Streamline Your Workflow with TELEONEPLUS!
Client Information Management:
Streamline Your Workflow with TELEONEPLUS!
Streamline Your Workflow with TELEONEPLUS!
New registration is easy with 3 simple steps!
There are 3 ways to create a client information management base!
For creating new client information, simply click the “Add Client” button, enter the company name, and save, all in 3 steps!
To transfer an existing client list to TELEONEPLUS, simply drag and drop a CSV file and import it!
For transferring information from sales to clients, it’s just one click on the conversion button! This collaboration system makes information management tasks easy, allowing you to streamline your work.
All client information is available!
In client information management, you can do more than just managing the address, phone number, website URL, and contact person’s details of your business partners. You can also…
In client information management, everything related to each client is organized together. This includes projects, quotes/invoices, inquiries, exchanged files, and schedules.
Open this page and you can see all the information of your important business partners! It is an all-in-one seamless management base.
Unlimited client account registrations!
With TELEONEPLUS, you can issue unlimited client accounts with just one administrator account.
No need to bother with calculations like “¥○○ per account” or “account creation limited to 5”!
Customer lists can be easily migrated using the import function. It’s a collaboration system that supports expanding your network with clients.